Introduction: Defining Writer’s Block and the Purpose of this Guide

Writing can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to writing an extended essay for the IB curriculum. The pressure of the task can often bring on writer’s block, leaving the student unable to continue. This guide is designed to help aspiring authors break through that writer’s block by using inspiration from adventure movies.

Writer’s block is a writer’s inability or struggle to produce and develop ideas for writing. Everyone experiences writer’s block differently, but it can often cause writers to feel stuck in an endless cycle of revision and delete without being able to make any real progress.

The extended essay is a 4,000-word research paper completed by International Baccalaureate students in their junior year. It focuses on a research topic chosen by the student and requires a deep understanding of how to conduct research and create a research paper. According to the International Baccalaureate, the EE should demonstrate “the capabilities required to complete in-depth research and present evidence-based arguments.”

This guide is intended to provide strategies to overcome writer’s block and gain inspiration from adventure movies. We will begin by exploring the causes of writer’s block, followed by strategies to overcome it, and finally delve into how adventure movies can be used as a tool to overcome writer’s block. By the end of this guide, you will have the tools necessary to write an excellent extended essay without feeling stuck.

As an IB student, the Extended Essay can be a challenging task that requires a significant amount of time and effort. In some cases, students may consider purchasing an Extended Essay from a reputable writing service. While this may not be the best option for everyone, there are some positive aspects to consider.

Firstly, purchasing an Extended Essay can help alleviate stress and anxiety for students who are struggling to manage their workload. This can allow them to focus on other important aspects of their education and personal life.

Secondly, a well-written Extended Essay can provide a valuable learning opportunity for students who may struggle with writing or research skills. By studying a high-quality essay, students can gain insight into effective research methods, citation styles, and other important aspects of academic writing.

Ultimately, the decision to buy IB Extended Essay is a personal one that should be made with careful consideration. However, for students who are overwhelmed or struggling with the process, it can be a viable option that provides valuable benefits.

The article How to motivate yourself to write an essay provides practical tips and strategies to overcome writer’s block and stay motivated throughout the essay writing process. It covers different aspects such as setting goals, creating a conducive environment, staying organized, and rewarding oneself. The article can be helpful for students or anyone struggling to start or complete their writing assignments.

Understanding the Causes of Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is a common issue many students experience when attempting an extended essay. It can feel like all your ideas have suddenly evaporated and you have no way to move forward with your project.

So, what causes writer’s block? Here are the 3 primary contributing causes:

  • Stress – Trying to balance school work, extracurricular activities, and enjoying life can be a lot to juggle. If this balance isn’t managed properly, it can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Lack of motivation – Writing an extended essay can sometimes seem daunting or even unimportant. This feeling of unease can create a lack of motivation or interest in completing the task.
  • Burnout – Working too hard, for too long, on something that has few visible rewards can lead to burnout. This type of fatigue can cloud our judgement and zap our creativity.

It’s important to take the time to understand what is causing your writer’s block so that you can better figure out how to overcome it. By recognizing the source(s) of your blockage, you will be able to choose strategies that can help to break through it.

Strategies to Overcoming Writers Block

Writer’s block can be an overwhelming, discouraging experience. It can be difficult to push through and continue writing. But there are several strategies and tools out there that can help you overcome writer’s block.

One of the main strategies to use is to step away from your computer and writing. Set aside a specific amount of time and give yourself a break. Whether it is five minutes, or a few hours, the break will help clear your mind and allow you to look at your writing with fresh eyes and a new perspective when you return.

Another useful strategy is to take a walk, or go for a run. Exercise is a great way to refocus and will help to get your creative juices flowing. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed and unfocused going for a jog can help relieve stress and will give clarity to help you move forward in getting your thoughts down on paper.

Talking with a friend or family member can also be a great help in overcoming writer’s block. They can encourage you to keep going and offer a different perspective on what you are writing and can also help look at things from a different angle.

Exploring the internet and finding related topics is another strategy. Searching for articles and blogs on related topics will help spark ideas and keep you motivated. Another great tool is to try brainstorming. Brainstorming can help generate and organize ideas and will help provide the needed direction for your essay.

At the end of the day, all of these strategies are aimed at getting your creative juices flowing. They can help provide focus and will ultimately help you to write more effectively.


Writing can be intimidating, but there are many strategies and tools out there that can help overcome writer’s block. Get creative, take a break, talk with friends and family members, explore the internet, and most importantly, brainstorm! With the right mindset and these strategies, writer’s block can be easily overcome.

Mental Health Matters

Writer’s block can be a difficult condition to cope with, especially when you are writing an extended essay for school. It is important to understand that mental health can play a big role in writer’s block and other related issues can have an effect on our ability to write.

Stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues can all cause us to become blocked while writing and can prevent us from producing our best work. If we are constantly worrying about our extended essay due dates, the process of writing and all the expectations we put on ourselves, it can be hard to stay focused and motivated.

It is important to remember that we are all human and that these conditions are nothing to be ashamed of. Taking the time to understand and identify our emotions can help us to better manage our mental health and provide us with the tools and strategies we need to stay on track.

There are many different things we can do to help manage our mental health and reduce stress. Regular exercise, healthy eating and taking time out for ourselves are all important factors to consider when trying to manage our stress levels. Meditation and mindfulness activities such as yoga, tai chi, and nature walks can also be useful in calming our minds and helping us to relax.

If you find yourself struggling with stress, anxiety or depression, it is important to seek professional help and speak to your doctor or a mental health counselor. They will be able to provide you with advice and support in managing your mental health and help you to formulate strategies to help overcome writers block.

At the end of the day, it is important to remember to take care of ourselves both physically and mentally. Understanding how our mental health can affect our writing is key to managing writers block and ultimately producing our best work.

Adventure Movies to Break Writers Block

Many students find themselves feeling creatively uninspired when writing their IB Extended Essay. Thankfully, there is a great resource that is fun, exciting, and can help motivate you; adventure movies! Adventure movies are full of powerful themes, fantasy worlds, suspenseful situations, and great stories that can be used to break writers block.

Thinking of your favorite adventure movie can unlock creative ideas and imaginative concepts that can help get your paper started. Adventure films bring out strong emotions that one can use to create powerful essays. Through exploring the characters, plot lines, and themes of these films, you can find inspiring essay topics and potential paper outlines.

Adventure movies are also great for visualizing your topic in new ways. Imagining the imaginary world of the films can help you come up with interesting ideas for your essays. These films are also great for helping you get in touch with yourself and finding originality and voice to fit the essay.

Exploring other people’s experiences through adventure films can also provide helpful dialogue and powerful observations to include in your extended essay. Thinking of another’s perspective can help you gain insight into multiple sides of an argument.

Adventure movies are full of exciting scenarios that can energize your creativity and help break through any writer’s block. Allowing yourself to explore different aspects and possibilities of your essay can guide you toward your best work.

Examples of Adventure Movies

Having a few examples of adventure movies can help you get the creative juices flowing and inspire your imagination. Adventure movies can channel your own internal adventurous spirit, helping break through writer’s block and get the ideas flowing.

Here are some examples of adventure movies that you can use for inspiration:

  • Tomb Raider (2018)
  • The Hunger Games (2012)
  • The Avengers (2012)
  • Back to the Future (1985)
  • Mission Impossible (1996)
  • Die Hard (1988)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)
  • Star Wars (1977)
  • Indiana Jones (1981)
  • Jurassic Park (1993)

These are just some of the many examples of adventure movies that can help you get inspired and break your writer’s block. Adventure movies can give you a jump start on exploring ideas, and often can provide different ways of looking at things than you may have initially thought.

When writing your extended essay, don’t be afraid to search out more adventure movies and see if they can help you get creative. Who knows – they may just provide that spark of inspiration to get you over the hump and finish your assignment!

Implementing Adventure Movies to Overcome Writers Block

Writers block is a very common occurrence when writing an IB extended essay. Thankfully, incorporating the use of adventure movies can help to break this block and get your ideas flowing freely. Here are some unique ways you can use adventure movies to inspire ideas for your extended essay.

One way to incorporate adventure movie inspiration into your extended essay is by watching the movie and focusing on the characters’ emotions and motivations. Reflect on how those feelings or actions apply to your life, and think about the lessons or values that the movie presents. From there, think about how you can bring that same emotion and motivation into your writing. Putting yourself in the main characters’ shoes can also help you create stronger connections with your writing.

Another useful way to use adventure movies for your extended essay is to watch the films for story-telling inspiration. While watching, pay attention to the different characters, their motives and goals, and the overarching plot. These elements can help give you the structure you need for your extended essay. You can then take these ideas and develop them further using your own unique insights and examples.

Additionally, make sure to also take note of any themes or messages behind the adventure movie. Analyze what it could mean to you personally, as well as your readers. Doing so can help you dive into the deeper meaning of each scene and reveal important lessons or values that should be explored in your extended essay. Understanding the story behind the scenes can also help form stronger arguments for your essay.

Adventure movies are not just for enjoyment, but are filled with powerful messages and inspiring stories that can help you start writing your extended essay. Try any one of the above tactics to make the most out of the movie. Who knows — adventure movies may be your key to finally conquering writer’s block for good!

Translating Imagination into Writing

Sometimes when you are stuck with writer’s block, it can seem impossible to get started on your extended essay. Watching adventure movies can bring inspiration to help you break out of that writer’s block and jumpstart your writing process.

But how do you take the feelings and emotions you had while watching an adventure movie and translate that into something meaningful in your extended essay? Here are a few tips to help you make the connection:

  • Focus on the characters and their development – What were the feelings/emotions they experienced throughout the movie?
  • Pay attention to the key moments — Think about what made those moments stand out and why they were important
  • Look at the relationships between characters and themes – How did those relationships and themes shape the movie as a whole?
  • Analyze the ending – What led up to the ending and how did it wrap up the story?

By thinking about these elements in the movie, you can draw meaningful connections between the movie and your extended essay. This can provide you with ideas for your essay, helping you to shake off the writer’s block and get back to work.

Introducing adventure movies into your writing process can be a great way to unlock creativity and help you produce a better essay. So the next time you are stuck with writer’s block, try watching an adventure movie to get your creative juices flowing!

Focusing on Connections

When overcoming writer’s block, it is important to focus on the connections between an adventure movie and your extended essay topic. This allows you to draw on ideas from the movie and apply them to the essay. For example, if you are writing an extended essay on sustainability, then a movie with themes of conservation and stewardship of the environment may give you ideas of how to approach the essay.

To make the best use of the connection between the movie and the essay topic, there are a few key elements to consider. Firstly, it is important to identify the central theme of the movie. Is it about friendship, courage, or insight into a particular issue? When considering this theme, ask yourself how it relates to the extended essay topic and ponder how it can be used to better understand the essay subject.

Next, you should look for plot points or scenes in the movie that illustrate the central theme. This could be a scene where someone overcomes fear, or a moment when a character has an epiphany about the grand scheme of things. Find moments in the movie that strike an emotional cord with you, as you can use these moments as a tool to craft a powerful essay.

Finally, think of what resonates most with you. Is there something in the movie that speaks to you specifically? Your personal connection with the movie will be reflected in your essay, and this will be what brings it to life. Once you have identified the connections between the movie and the essay, you can move forward in the process of crafting a powerful and meaningful extended essay.

Creating an Outline

An outline is a useful tool for overcoming writer’s block when writing your IB Extended Essay. An outline will provide structure and organisation to the essay while ensuring each part of the essay flows together smoothly. The outline should be created before writing begins and should include the main points of the essay. Whether you use bullet points or subheadings to outline key topics, having this kind of structure will help you organize each idea in a logical order.

Creating an outline takes very little time and ensures that your ideas are presented clearly and concisely. When tackling the daunting task of writing an essay, having a plan in place can help reduce stress and keep you from getting overwhelmed. To get started, think of ideas that you want to include in your essay and create an outline from there.

In the outline, make sure you focus on what you want to prove with the essay. This could be the main theme, point of view, or opinion. Then add in key facts and arguments that will support your thesis statement. Be sure to include any research that is necessary. When making the outline, it is a good idea to break it down into smaller sections. This makes it easier to understand where one idea ends and another begins.

Creating an outline is a great way to start writing your IB Extended Essay and make the process a little less daunting. Planning ahead and having structure to your essay will save a lot of time and energy while also helping to ensure that all of your ideas come together in one cohesive essay.

Setting a Deadline: Why Strict Deadlines are Important

Writing an extended essay can be daunting and when writer’s block hits, it is hard to know where to start. One of the most important tools for overcoming writers block is setting a strict deadline and sticking to it.

Having a deadline in place helps to motivate you to finish the extended essay on time and keeps you focused on the task at hand. It is important to understand that this isn’t a tool you use to punish yourself, but instead a reminder of the progress you are making. Often, having an end in sight can help you find the motivation to keep going.

It is important to set realistic goals that you know you can achieve. Break down the project into manageable chunks and set smaller deadlines for each task. For example, instead of setting a deadline for completing the entire essay, set deadlines for brainstorming the idea, creating an outline, writing the introduction, writing body paragraphs, and so on. Having several mini goals in place helps make the overall process less intimidating.

Lastly, it is important to stay accountable to your deadlines. Set reminders or notifications to keep yourself on track and give yourself a reward when each milestone is complete. Doing so will help you stay motivated and increase your productivity as you work towards finishing the essay.


Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of this guide on overcoming writer’s block with inspiration from adventure movies. We’ve explored together some of the causes of writer’s block and how to overcome them, as well as how using adventure movies can inspire you to get your writing juices flowing. With our tips on how to effectively implement these movies in your writing, how to create an outline, and the importance of setting a deadline, we hope you have all the tools you need to tackle your next extended essay.

We understand that writer’s block is still a challenge and something many find hard to overcome. That’s why there are plenty of further resources available online that can help with time management, organization, purposeful editing, and more. The following websites have great articles and tips that can help you become a better writer:

  • The Write Practice
  • Grammarly
  • Writing Center
  • No Backspace Writing Tool
  • BetterExplained

Writer’s block can be tricky to navigate but with enough practice and focus, you will no longer let it control your writing process. We encourage you to take small steps and break down big tasks in order to make them more manageable. Remember to stay positive, keep a clear and organized work space, and always reward yourself for your successes.

Good luck completing your extended essay and happy writing!